Pilot AI assurance framework

This is a draft document for Australian Government agencies participating in the Pilot Australian Government artificial intelligence (AI) assurance framework, led by the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) from September to November 2024. Further practical advice on applying the framework is contained in accompanying guidance material.  

The assurance framework’s impact assessment process is divided into 11 sections. The accompanying guidance document mirrors this structure, with each of its 11 sections corresponding to a section of the assurance framework.

The draft framework and guidance are subject to change based on feedback from pilot participants and other stakeholders. This pilot draft does not represent a final Australian Government position on AI assurance.  

For further information on the framework and accompanying guidance, please email aistandards@dta.gov.au.  

AI assurance framework guidance

This document provides draft guidance for Australian Government agencies completing assessments using the Pilot Australian Government AI assurance framework (the framework). Use it as an interpretation aid and as a source of useful prompts and resources to assist you in filling out the assessment.

This guidance document mirrors the structure of the framework, with each of its 11 sections corresponding to a section of the assurance framework.

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